Your correspondence with Dr. Bahman Pouraghdam and Dr. Yalda Bazargan will be in the form of Weiss.

  1. According to the books, except for the first day when you sleep, take the denture out of your mouth to relax your gums and prevent fungal diseases and bad breath.
  2. Put the denture in the water for as long as the denture is not in your mouth. Because the material of dentures is such that if it is not in water, it changes dimensions. If possible, add half a tablespoon of salt to the water.
  3. It takes about six months for a denture to fit in your mouth. During these six months, you may have difficulty talking and chewing food. Avoid going to the office because of such problems. Because these problems are solved over time. In some people, this time is very short and in some people, solving these problems is very time consuming.
  4. If the mucous membrane inside the mouth is injured, call the office or send a WhatsApp message to the office. You may go to the office up to ten times to correct the areas that cause sores in your mouth. If the sores inside the mouth are very annoying, remove the denture from your mouth when you visit in person.
  5. Given that there is a huge change in your smile and you and your loved ones are accustomed to your old smile, the new smile is unusual (such as front teeth, large teeth, small teeth, white teeth, etc. ) Is normal for you and your loved ones. Our advice is not to ask for opinions from your relatives for a month and be completely confident.
  6. Due to the abrasive nature of toothpaste, always have a pocket toothbrush with you to brush your dentures, and remove the dentures after each meal and brush them with toothbrush and dishwashing liquid.
  7. According to dental books, the average lifespan of dentures is eight to ten years, and it is better to replace dentures every eight years due to changes in the gums and bones.
  8. Undoubtedly, the loss of a denture will lead to its breaking. When brushing, always brush the denture on a surface.
  9. Strictly avoid any artificial tooth manipulation and go to the clinic to make any changes.
  10. Once a week, place a denture in a solution of a bowl of water and a tablespoon of Vitex jam for ten minutes to remove stains from the denture and completely disinfect the denture.
  11. Avoid using teeth as tools such as opening the bottle cap … and breaking the skin of nuts, eating nails, pencils, breaking ice and breaking seeds (if you are interested in seeds, you can use seed kernel packages). Because you may not notice any obvious side effects by repeating these things, but in fact, small cracks are created in the coating, which reduces the life of the coating. In addition to damaging the veneer, these can damage the natural tooth itself. People who break seeds, in most cases, have their front teeth shortened over time and their lips become full.
  12. Visit the office once a year for check-ups, polishing and thorough cleaning of dentures.
  13. On the first day, eat watery foods and after the first day, put the food in small pieces in your mouth and chew on both sides. Obviously, chewing food on one side leads to lifting the other side.
  14. If you have severe nausea, take two anti-nausea pills in the morning and at noon for a week.
  15. If you are not prescribed medication, take NOVAFEN capsules if you have pain. Note that in many cases the cause of pain can be a wound caused by dentures. In this case, a face-to-face consultation is required and you are only allowed to use painkillers to relieve the pain for up to three days.
  16. If the medicine has been prescribed for you, click here for the instructions of the medicine that has been prescribed to you. Take your medications with a full glass of water and as much as possible with a full stomach (to prevent stomach pain). Take all medications as directed. Each of these instructions has a scientific reason, for example, taking prescribed painkillers is necessary despite the lack of pain because these painkillers have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent swelling and bruising of the face as much as possible.
  17. Read more about dental caries prevention and health education here.

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